Thank you for continuing to illuminate us about the experience inside prisons. Even though you are not teaching this fall, you have lots to share.

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I'm so sorry you didn't get a class this fall.But I know it's so that you can dedicate yourself to other endeavors that excite you too. I've written several novels myself, and I'll share with you something that I find extremely helpful.And that is not to read fiction while I'm writing fiction. I found that I subconsciously I picked up on cadence and tone and patterns from others' work that took away from mine. I'm actually About 15,000 words into the one I'm working on, and I really admire your writing, so if you're looking for someone to bounce things off of and exchange feedback, I'd love to talk. You can verify I am not a stalker at stacib.com 😊

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I’m currently reading Correction: Parole, Prison and the Possibility of Change, by Ben Austen. It’s crazy that folks are kept in prison long after they are no longer any danger to anyone. Where does appropriate punishment turn into purely vindictive cruelty? He talks about inmates whose parole meetings are being attended by the grandchildren of their victims. Surely there’s a point where enough is enough.

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